Cambridge United Foundation

Cambridge United Foundation

About us

Using the power of sport and the brand of Cambridge United FC to empower our community and change lives.


To be at the heart of a stronger, healthier and more equal Cambridge.

Sport will be ubiquitous as the tool we use to deliver these projects, whether this is in access to our players, access to our facilities or the provision of sport sessions. Although our speciality and greatest brand recognition lies in football, we will use all range of sports to achieve our goals and have legitimacy to do so as the pre-eminent professional sporting organisation in Cambridge.

  • We will use sport as a non-traditional educational tool, allowing messages to be conveyed in new and interesting ways, and engage those who may not respond as well to traditional techniques.
  • We will seek to engage people in sports, as sports participation can be a key step to a healthier lifestyle, and will use our players' health choices to serve as motivation for others.
  • We will use sport as an important step to inclusion, as it can develop a sense of belonging and commonality and give participants an opportunity to engage with people different to themselves.
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